Address 1 Orchard Blvd, #11-02 Camden Medical Centre, Singapore 248649
Call us at (65) 6517 9890
地址 1 Orchard Blvd, #11-02 卡姆登医疗中心, 新加坡 248649
请致电我们 (65) 6517 9890
Alamat 1 Orchard Blvd, #11-02 Camden Medical Centre, Singapura 248649
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We are so accustomed to how our body looks and feels that even the smallest change or difference does not go unnoticed. So, when we discover an abnormal growth anywhere on our bodies, our first thought is to worry. But before we jump to conclusions, we should be aware that not all abnormal growths are a source of concern, some growths are not dangerous at all.

What is Botox?

Botox, or botulinum toxin, is an injectable treatment that is primarily targeted to treat wrinkles, fine lines and creases on the face. It can also be used as a non-permanent facial contouring treatment to slim down your profile. Botox is more widely known as an effective anti-aging product for improving the appearance of your skin. Botox is able to treat signs of advanced aging as it promotes collagen production and skin elasticity. In Singapore, Botox is used to temporarily give patients a younger and tighter look.

What are Lipoma?

Lipomas are small fatty growths that grow just beneath the surface of the skin. They do not cause any pain, can be moved when you touch it, and are made entirely of fats. Lipomas are also known as benign soft tissue tumours which are not cancerous and grow very slowly. While they are not dangerous, they can be inconvenient and unsightly, occurring commonly on the trunk or torso, back, shoulders, arms, forehead, and neck.

How to identify Lipomas?

Most of the time, lipomas are easy to identify but they can be mistaken for other types of growths or lesions such as sebaceous cysts. However, there are certain identifying characteristics of a growth that classify them as a lipoma, these are:

  • Painless: most lipomas are painless, but some lipomas may cause discomfort if they are pressing up against nerves, if they have a blood supply, or if they become too large.
  • Encapsulated: lipomas are self-contained and do not spread to other areas.
  • Round or Oval-shaped: lipomas usually take on a round or oval-shaped appearance with clean edges and are more or less symmetrical.
  • Moveable: lipomas grow just below the surface of the skin and can be easily moved when touched.
  • Small: lipomas are usually smaller than 5cm in diameter.

If you notice a growth with the characteristics above, you may have a lipoma.

What causes Lipomas?

The exact cause of lipomas is still unknown and poorly understood, however, there are several factors that have been associated with lipomas, these are:

  • Hereditary Multiple Lipomatosis: an inherited condition that causes multiple lipomas to grow on different parts of the body. Genetics also play a role in causing the growth of single lipomas.
  • Madelung’s Disease: also known as multiple symmetric lipomatosis, is a condition usually seen in men who drink copious amount of alcohol. Lipomas tend to grow around the neck and shoulders.
  • Dercum’s Disease: also known as Anders’ syndrome or adiposis dolorosa, causes painful lipomas to grow usually on the torso, arms, and legs.
  • Gardner Syndrome: a type of disorder known as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), causes lipomas and other issues such as an increased risk of various types of cancers.

How are Lipoma diagnosed?

Lipomas are usually diagnosed using a physical examination; however, additional tests may be required for a more accurate diagnosis, these tests are:

  • Biopsy: used to ensure that the lipoma is not cancerous. A small sample of the lipoma is removed and checked in the laboratory for the presence of any cancer cells.
  • Imaging tests: lipomas are often mistaken for sebaceous cysts, imaging tests such as an ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography scans (CT-scans) are used for an accurate diagnosis. These imaging tests can also help identify if any blood vessels are present. This is particularly useful during lipoma removal in Singapore.

How are Lipomas removed?

Lipoma Removal

  • A local anaesthesia is injected around the lipoma.
  • Once the area is numb, an incision is made over the lipoma.
  • The lipoma is removed either via the squeeze technique (where the lipoma is squeezed out through a small incision) or cut out from the surrounding tissue.


  • A local anaesthesia is injected around the lipoma.
  • Once the area is numb, a large syringe with a needle attached sucks out the fats of the lipoma.

What happens after Lipoma removal?

No matter what type of lipoma removal option you choose, you will be able to go home on the same day as the procedure. You will be prescribed some painkillers and possibly some antibiotics (for individuals who chose the surgery option). You will also have a follow-up appointment with your doctor to check on the progress of your healing and to remove the stitches (if necessary). You can resume your normal day to day activities but avoid exercise for one-week post-surgery.

Benefits of Lipoma Removal

  • Minimally invasive
  • Short outpatient procedure
  • Low downtime

What are the possible risks or complications of Lipoma Removal?

Lipoma removal is minimally invasive with little to no complications. These complications or side effects are:

  • Scarring or bruising at the removal site
  • Allergic reaction to anaesthesia
  • Possibility of the lipoma recurring if it was not completely removed the first time

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does lipoma removal cost?
A ballpark figure for lipoma removal would be approximately $1000 to $2000.
Does a lipoma go away by itself?
No, lipomas do not go away by itself. Lipomas can only be removed/reduced by surgery, liposuction, or steroid injections.

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We are dedicated to making your time with us as stress-free and rewarding as
possible. From our team of doctors and nurses to amenities specially
curated with your recovery in mind, our clinic welcomes you anytime.



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Kami berdedikasi untuk menjadikan waktu Anda bersama kami bebas stres dan bermanfaat
mungkin. Dari tim dokter dan perawat kami hingga fasilitas khusus
dikurasi dengan mempertimbangkan kesembuhan Anda, klinik kami menyambut Anda kapan saja.

    * Please note that the requested appointment date and time is subject to availability. The respective clinic will contact you for confirmation.

    schedule your appointment now

      * Please note that the requested appointment date and time is subject to availability. The respective clinic will contact you for confirmation.


        * 请注意,所要求的预约日期和时间需视供应情况而定。相应的诊所将与您联系以进行确认。

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          * Harap dicatat bahwa tanggal dan waktu janji temu yang diminta tergantung pada ketersediaan. Klinik masing-masing akan menghubungi Anda untuk konfirmasi.

          Nassim Plastic Surgery - Dr Janna Joethy
          opening hours
          MON to FRI | 9.00a.m - 6.00p.m
          SAT I | 10.00a.m - 3p.m

          *Will be closed on SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS
          纳辛整形外科 - Dr Janna Joethy
          周一至周五 | 上午 9 点至下午 6 点
          SAT I | 上午 10 点至下午 3 点

          Bedah Plastik Nassim - Dr Janna Joethy
          jam buka
          SENIN hingga JUM | 09.00 - 18.00
          DUDUK I | 10.00 - 15.00

          *Akan tutup pada hari MINGGU & HARI LIBUR UMUM
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          hak cipta Ⓒ 2023 Klinik Bedah Plastik dan Estetika Nassim. SELURUH HAK CIPTA. Dipersembahkan oleh  Solstium