Address 1 Orchard Blvd, #11-02 Camden Medical Centre, Singapore 248649
Call us at (65) 6517 9890
地址 1 Orchard Blvd, #11-02 卡姆登医疗中心, 新加坡 248649
请致电我们 (65) 6517 9890
Alamat 1 Orchard Blvd, #11-02 Camden Medical Centre, Singapura 248649
Hubungi kami di (65) 6517 9890

Breast Reduction

What is Botox?

Botox, or botulinum toxin, is an injectable treatment that is primarily targeted to treat wrinkles, fine lines and creases on the face. It can also be used as a non-permanent facial contouring treatment to slim down your profile. Botox is more widely known as an effective anti-aging product for improving the appearance of your skin. Botox is able to treat signs of advanced aging as it promotes collagen production and skin elasticity. In Singapore, Botox is used to temporarily give patients a younger and tighter look.

Why get Buccal Fat Removal?

Buccal fat removal or chin augmentation surgery is commonly done on individuals who do not like the roundness of their cheeks. Therefore, for aesthetic reasons, they may want to get a cheek reduction to:

  • Reduce or remove this “chubbiness” from their face.
  • Improve the definition of the face and transform rounded cheeks to appear more chiseled

This procedure is commonly done if an individual is under a certain age. It is not recommended if you are older in age because buccal fat does naturally diminish as a person ages.

What is Buccal Fat Removal?

Commonly known as cheek reduction surgery, buccal fat removal is a procedure that removes the fat between the cheekbones and jaw bones. Buccal fat is present in everyone and is what makes up the shape of an individual’s face, however, some may have more buccal fat than others.

Removing buccal fat from the face can better highlight the bone structure of the face and cheekbones. This allows us to change the appearance of a person’s face and achieve a more angular facial shape and profile.

How does Buccal Fat Removal works?

  • The surgeon creates an incision on the inner portion of the cheek on both sides of the face, exposing the buccal fat pads.
  • Once the buccal fat pads are exposed, the surgeon will gently press on the fat pads before cutting and removing them.
  • Upon removing the fat pads, the incisions will be closed with dissolvable sutures.
  • If sutures are not dissolvable, the patient will need to return to get them removed by their surgeon.

Buccal fat removal surgery can be done within the same day.

What results can I expect from Buccal Fat Removal?

Upon full recovery, patients will notice less chubby, contoured cheeks.

Each person will recover from the surgery differently, depending on how much they follow aftercare instructions, lifestyle and overall health. A special mouthwash will be given to the patient to help prevent infection of the wound and faster recovery.

Patients are advised to go on a liquid diet for one or two days to aid the recovery process. Your doctor will advise you once it is safe to start consuming soft foods.

During the recovery stage, most patients will experience swelling, bruising and numbness at the site where incisions are made. The healing time of wounds is typically 3 weeks but it will take several months before a patient will see the final results of the procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will buccal fat removal change my smile?
Following the surgery and during the recovery period, buccal fat removal can affect a person’s smile. However, this is caused by swelling and will only last for 2 to 3 weeks post-surgery.
Does buccal fat removal change the shape of my face?
Buccal fat removal does not change a person’s facial or bone structure. By removing the fat pads, it gives the appearance of a more contoured and slimmer face shape by highlighting the cheekbones and chin.
What can I eat after buccal fat removal?
It is advised to go on a liquid diet during the first two days following the procedure to allow the incision time to heal and prevent infections. Once you have been given the green light by your doctor, you may slowly start introducing soft foods into your diet. Depending on the condition of your wounds, you may resume your normal diet after one or two weeks post-surgery.
Can I brush my teeth after buccal fat removal?
You can brush your teeth after buccal fat removal surgery by avoiding the site where incisions were made.

Discover the joys of a natural, beautiful you

We are dedicated to making your time with us as stress-free and rewarding as
possible. From our team of doctors and nurses to amenities specially
curated with your recovery in mind, our clinic welcomes you anytime.



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Kami berdedikasi untuk menjadikan waktu Anda bersama kami bebas stres dan bermanfaat
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dikurasi dengan mempertimbangkan kesembuhan Anda, klinik kami menyambut Anda kapan saja.

    * Please note that the requested appointment date and time is subject to availability. The respective clinic will contact you for confirmation.

    schedule your appointment now

      * Please note that the requested appointment date and time is subject to availability. The respective clinic will contact you for confirmation.


        * 请注意,所要求的预约日期和时间需视供应情况而定。相应的诊所将与您联系以进行确认。

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          * Harap dicatat bahwa tanggal dan waktu janji temu yang diminta tergantung pada ketersediaan. Klinik masing-masing akan menghubungi Anda untuk konfirmasi.

          Nassim Plastic Surgery - Dr Janna Joethy
          opening hours
          MON to FRI | 9.00a.m - 6.00p.m
          SAT I | 10.00a.m - 3p.m

          *Will be closed on SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS
          纳辛整形外科 - Dr Janna Joethy
          周一至周五 | 上午 9 点至下午 6 点
          SAT I | 上午 10 点至下午 3 点

          Bedah Plastik Nassim - Dr Janna Joethy
          jam buka
          SENIN hingga JUM | 09.00 - 18.00
          DUDUK I | 10.00 - 15.00

          *Akan tutup pada hari MINGGU & HARI LIBUR UMUM
          copyright Ⓒ  2023 Nassim Plastic surgery and aesthetics clinic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Powered By Solstium
          版权所有 Ⓒ 2023 Nassim 整形外科和美容诊所。版权所有。供电  Solstium
          hak cipta Ⓒ 2023 Klinik Bedah Plastik dan Estetika Nassim. SELURUH HAK CIPTA. Dipersembahkan oleh  Solstium