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Call us at (65) 6517 9890
地址 1 Orchard Blvd, #11-02 卡姆登医疗中心, 新加坡 248649
请致电我们 (65) 6517 9890
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Breast Asymmetry

What is Botox?

Botox, or botulinum toxin, is an injectable treatment that is primarily targeted to treat wrinkles, fine lines and creases on the face. It can also be used as a non-permanent facial contouring treatment to slim down your profile. Botox is more widely known as an effective anti-aging product for improving the appearance of your skin. Botox is able to treat signs of advanced aging as it promotes collagen production and skin elasticity. In Singapore, Botox is used to temporarily give patients a younger and tighter look.

What are Small Breast?

For women, the look of their breasts depends on many factors that affect the body during their younger years. Breast development starts at the ages of 8 to 13 and will grow to a certain size due to changing hormones. Genetics largely determine how large a woman’s breasts can grow to and how they will look on her body frame. They can turn out to be smaller than average by the time she is older.

What are the common causes of Small Breast?

  • Diet 

Small breasts can result from a poor diet during puberty as many young girls want to attain a slimmer body. In these cases, the lack of nutrition and poor eating habits may affect the patient’s growth which also includes the development of their breasts. 

  • Hormones

Imbalances in female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone can also lead to smaller breasts due to shrinkage from menopause. You may also find that your breasts have been stretched after breastfeeding which can also make them look smaller as they start to sag.

  • Medical conditions

In some cases, micromastia, or breast hypoplasia, is a medical condition where the patient’s breasts turn out to be underdeveloped during puberty. They are also known as abnormally small breasts. For patients with micromastia, there is a very small amount of breast tissue that is present which can also affect the look of your nipples on your chest. This condition can affect either one or both breasts which can also lead to breast asymmetry. While most women’s breasts are not the exact same size, the difference is much more drastic for patients with micromastia.

Other causes of small breasts may include:

  • Genetics
  • Poor diet
  • Thyroid issues
  • Hormonal changes
  • Radiotherapy
  • Weight loss

Breast Augmentation Surgery

A breast augmentation procedure involves surgically placing an implant behind the breast tissues or under the chest muscle. Implants usually come in a round or teardrop shape and are made with silicone or saline. Round implants will give a fuller look in the upper breast. Teardrop implants are more suitable for patients who like a sloped appearance to their breasts.

When visiting your doctor, you will undergo a consultation to decide the placement of your breast implants. They can be inserted via a peri-areolar incision (along the nipple), an inframammary fold incision (under the breast) or a trans-axillary incision (the armpit). This will depend on the patient’s body frame and the shape and size of the implants that are chosen. Implants are able to remain in place for a long time and many patients typically only need 1 or 2 revisions in their lifetime.

Fat Transfer

A fat transfer procedure involves transferring fat out of other parts of the body (donor sites) such as the thighs, abdomen, flank, buttocks, and knees which tend to have excess fat, to the breasts. This process is known as Liposuction and is done using vacuum suction after making small incisions in the skin. The fat is then processed into liquid and used in an injection to be grafted into the breasts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are small breasts common?
In Singapore, many women have a relatively modest chest size of an A cup. This is typically due to factors such as the women in the family not having large breasts. Asian women, having a smaller frame, tend to find that their breasts will grow in proportion to their body during puberty. This makes the look of their breasts appear much smaller compared to their American counterparts who have a larger average breast volume.
What are some treatment options for small breasts?
Small breasts can be easily treated through breast augmentation surgery or fat transfer. These procedures will permanently transform your breasts and help you to increase your cup size no matter the size of your natural breasts.

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      * Please note that the requested appointment date and time is subject to availability. The respective clinic will contact you for confirmation.


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          Nassim Plastic Surgery - Dr Janna Joethy
          opening hours
          MON to FRI | 9.00a.m - 6.00p.m
          SAT I | 10.00a.m - 3p.m

          *Will be closed on SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS
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          SAT I | 上午 10 点至下午 3 点

          Bedah Plastik Nassim - Dr Janna Joethy
          jam buka
          SENIN hingga JUM | 09.00 - 18.00
          DUDUK I | 10.00 - 15.00

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          hak cipta Ⓒ 2023 Klinik Bedah Plastik dan Estetika Nassim. SELURUH HAK CIPTA. Dipersembahkan oleh  Solstium